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Jerry T. Griffo Jr. Golf Tournament - Presented by Parks Capital

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Jerry T. Griffo Jr. Golf Tournament - Presented by Parks Capital

Monday, September 26, 2022 (12:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)


Parks Capital is proudly supporting the Jerry T. Griffo Jr. Golf Tournament as this year's presenting sponsor.

We know Jerry for walking into a room, always with a smile, a laugh, and usually a joke.  Jerry T. Griffo, Jr. had a heart of gold and thousands of funny stories. He had the book of knowledge in his head and was always willing to help someone learn. Jerry left us too soon in the late fall of 2021. We support the Jerry T. Griffo Jr. Foundation in honor of his memory. 

Jerry lived life to its fullest. Always with a smile, a joke, and lots of laughter. For the past 20 years, he built his career being an integral part of the Flaum Management team learning everything he could about fire safety & security, then everything with regards to commercial property management. He loved all of his colleagues and treasured the fun times they shared. He was a man of many talents and always was willing to teach others everything he knew.

He had two Best Friends, his wife Gina and his pup, Miss Bailey Bear. Bailey got everything she wanted and waited at the window every day for him to come home. Bailey Bear could do nothing wrong in his eyes. He gave her love, food, and lots of years playing snowball. He often called himself the "Dog/animal whisperer." Jerry, aka Jr., loved all his fur friends. It is for his love of animals that the foundation chose to support Lollypop Farm with this charity fundraiser. 

Gina, Samantha (Daughter), & Steven (Son in Law), decided to start the Jerry T. Griffo, Jr. Foundation Inc. to continue to honor him and support charities that were very close to his heart.

The Jerry T Griffo Jr. Golf Tournament is accepting SPONSORS and PLAYERS! Please join in on September 26th at the Penfield Country Club. For more information, please contact Gina M. Griffo at 585-248-5700 or



Includes: Welcome bag, Drink Ticket, Lunch, Dinner, and Cart

$250 Per Person

$1000 Per Foursome

Register on GolfStatus

Monday, September 26, 2022 (12:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)

11:00am Registration

12:00pm Shotgun Start

1 Hour Open Bar Before Dinner

Dinner & Awards Following Golf (If you have any dietary restrictions, please reach out to Gina Griffo)

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