The Rochester Fiber Makers are meeting on Wednesdays November 6 & 27
at Flight Wine Bar on Exchange St. for a crafty evening of fiber fun.
The Rochester Fiber Makers are a social meetup group for fiber art enthusiasts in Rochester, NY. Our interests include knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, cross stitch, embroidery, and so much more. Whether you are looking for inspiration, in need of project help, or simply want to make new friends, join the Rochester Fiber Makers. This is not your average knitting group!
We meet most Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
Please join our email list for the most up to date meeting information including last minute changes or cancellations, because Rochester weather happens!
We also have a group chat on Discord to share our projects between meetings.
Flight Wine Bar
262 Exchange Street , Rochester NY , 14608
November 6th @ 6pm until 8pm