The Greater Rochester Chamber Community Calendar is for use by members and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations only.
To submit an event, visit the main Community Calendar page and click on the plus sign. Please make sure to include a registration link somewhere in the description if applicable. Please note that member events will be published at Greater Rochester Chamber’s discretion and political advertising/fundraising is not permitted. Greater Rochester Chamber does not endorse or recommend any products, processes, services, or events published on this calendar.
All submitted events will be in pending status until review by our Greater Rochester Chamber team. While we will do our very best to approve your event as soon as possible, please allow for two business days for approval. For information on membership or for issues with login, email
The 90 Day Boss Workshop
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (EST)
Our workshop will teach you a process and simple tools to improve your communication skills, create clear expectations and deal with common “people issues.”
Companies with highly engaged employees report up to 4x more financial success due to increased employee productivity and reduced turnover.
If you’re like most bosses, you were promoted based on your technical skills, not on your ability to lead and manage people. As a result, you may feel frustrated, overworked, and underappreciated.
As a boss, would you like less stress at work while getting more accomplished? Would you like to get more from your people without having to micromanage them?
Register here:
Wednesday, January 4, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.